Pennsylvania Wing
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For the New PDO

For the new PDO:

There are several sources of information which will help you meet your responsibilities very effectively. CAPR 50-17 is the primary source of answers to many specific questions and will give guidance in helping senior members learn specific mission-related skills and prepare for leadership positions within CAP. Specifically, Chapter 2, Administering The Program, and Paragraph 2-2, Reference Library, should provide some of the initial guidance you need. See CAPR 50-17 CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program

You want to also review the specialty track for professional development officers CAPP 204 Professional Development Officer Specialty Track Study Guide .

The CAP WING COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GUIDE and CAP SUBORDINATE UNIT INSPECTION GUIDE provide the essentials of what is required of a professional development program. Review past inspection reports for your unit and other wing inspection reports to give you a feel for what has been working well and also some of the shortcomings in the professional development programs of other wings.

Your unit Commander, Group PDO, and Wing PDO (aka "Director of PD" or DPD) will be a primary source of immediate guidance on your wing’s program. The Commander should have a vision for the scope of your program and perhaps some milestones as indicators of status and progress. Scheduling some time with the commander to discuss his/her vision and ideas for professional development will pay large dividends.


CAP University:


Specialty Track Study Guides


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